Our Services

Keynote Speaker

Have a conference or event in need of an impactful, informative, and inspirational speaker? We offer presentations tailored to your event that will leave your attendees wowed. Please contact us for a consultation and pricing.

One on One Training

Are you a long time employee looking to take your collaboration and leadership skills to the next level? Or a young professional entering the workforce looking to make your mark? Consider one on one training with a leadership professor of over 30 years, customized to fit you.

Workplace Seminars

Want to get the best out of your team and maximize the efficiency of your workplace? We offer workplace presentations, discussions, and seminars on any topic of your choosing designed to strengthen communication, increase employee engagement, and improve the productivity of your office.

Our Topics

Leadership & Management

Command the attention of your conference room; communicating and listening like a leader. Managing your team’s dynamic and getting the most out of your employees. Earn the respect of your peers without having to be the loudest voice in the room.

Communication in the Workplace

Optimize your office structure and communication patterns. Identify and eliminate inefficiencies within your professional environment. Learn how individual communication skills can greatly affect the overall productivity of an organization.

AI, DEIB, & Etiquette in Today’s Workplace

Navigating the changing landscape of today’s business, from the use of Artificial Intelligence, to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, to workplace etiquette for emerging professionals. How to find and maximize your mentor relationships, communicate like a professional, and navigate company culture.

And Many More….

With over 30 years of Learning & Development training experience, we know a few things about improving your professional skills…. perhaps too many to list. Please contact us to inquire about a specific topic you would like addressed.